Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cold fish - Shark Tale Reviews

Shark Tale tries waaaaaay too hard, in my opinion. After trailing Finding Nemo's gorgeous visuals and adult/kid humor mix, this movie just can't compare. The story begins very slowly and just when it starts to speed up, you get a lot of flat jokes and over-urbanized fish swimming by to remind you that this movie is too over-the-top as far as blending comtemporary city life with, um, fish. I can't help but compare this movie to Nemo. Nemo because it didn't utilize the natural comedy that the sea can provide. While Nemo used gags like lobsters with New England accents, Shark Tale uses a fully loaded car wash for whales complete with detailing department to provide flames. Better solution? How about custom barnacles? See? I'm not even a movie writer, and I can pull a few natural tricks from the sea. This movie is intended for children, and that will most likely be the only reason it succeeds because parents have to be in tow. My advice? Wait for it on DVD, and drink some caffeine.

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