Monday, September 24, 2007

Can't we all just get along? - Shark Tale Reviews

This movie is cute and funny, and I think it has a great message of tolorating and accepting different viewpoints. Lenny didn't really strike me as a homosexual like some others here, though I can kind of see where that conception might come from. But he was gentle and caring in my eyes (you don't have to have a particular orientation to be sweet) and certainly different from the other sharks. To a carniverous species, disliking meat would certainly be a huge stigma, just as much or more than race and lifestyle in this culture. Even being a vegetarian can carry it's own stigma. I liked the message of understanding, and I don't think that it's a bad thing for children or anyone else to see. If a child is being "indoctrinated" I'd rather the material be of acceptance rather than bigotry or violence. I'm sure everyone has a "Lenny" of some description in their life, and I think this would be a very good movie to go see with that person; and everyone else! Go, have fun, and remember that life is great!

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