Sunday, September 30, 2007

A horrid experience - Shark Tale Reviews

This movie is terrible. If i would have known how bad my 7.50 was going to be blown on this movie, I could've seriously had more fun renting vanilla ice music videos. How can this be a Dreamworks film? Will Smith overplays his role so much I want to puke, and anyone who watched his last film I-Robot knows the amount of corporate advertising in his films (which believe me, if you think the city bus has alot of ads, take a look at this pile) Overall I would refer this movie to people who enjoy feeling ripped off, and to those who think visiting your in-laws dressed in your 1977 prom suit would be great fun.

Amazing movie!! - Shark Tale Reviews

The screaming children in the theatres are a result of bad parenting, not a bad movie. If the children sat still for 3 seconds, they were entertained for the rest of the movie! Out of the 3 or 4 children in the theatre I was at, not one of them did more then laugh, clap or point out things they didn't want their guardians to miss! Critics are saying it's not a Finding Nemo or a Shrek 2, and that's because it's not; it's Shark Tales and deserves to be judged on its own! An outstanding movie, loved by everyone I've talked to about it!

Gay tale - Shark Tale Reviews

The movie started off innocent enough, and I wasn?t going to assume anything just because a male ?shark? had an effeminate voice, and pranced around like a little girl. He was just a funny cartoon with a funny voice, right? ?.Wrong! By the middle of the movie, it was a blatant attempt to support homosexuality. You know what, if they want to gear a late night TV series to support the gay lifestyle, that?s one thing, I?m an adult, I can turn the channel. But, don?t start feeding this crap to my children. I tried my best to assure myself I wasn?t hearing what I was hearing, or seeing what I was seeing, but it was just too obvious. I?m just glad my kids didn?t like the movie that much, that way I don?t have to buy this cr@p when it comes to DVD.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Funny - Shark Tale Reviews

This movie was very "Shrek like". Great moral and good humor - less foul than Sherk - thank goodness. Overall , it was good and worth seeing. I think the movie industry now realizes how much of a market kids and their parents are. They have alot of movies coming out over the next few months. I recommend it to all.

Unbelievable re: homosexual propoganda review - Shark Tale Reviews

In regards to the review by FreePizza, I realize this is a free country however it still amuses me that some people think this way. Discriminating against ANYONE, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, is wrong REGARDLESS of your personal beliefs. I very well doubt this film is referring to homosexuals or any homosexual agenda, however I have yet to see it. After reading your comments I felt compelled to say something. What would you rather children learn? To beat up people like Matthew Shephard while tied to a post and murdered? That it's okay to call someone a derogatory comment? Is THAT the American way? Let's instead teach our kids about hate. That must be the Christian and Catholic moral. If ignorance is bliss, then get me out of Eden. I refuse to live in a world in which a movie teaching kids and adults about the value of love and respect is condemned. Until you have to hold the hand of a loved one dying from a beating in a hate crime for the color of his skin or the sex of his/her partner, until you have to endure what it feels like to be hated for love, until you have to face hate and discrimination, don't preach about what should be taught. Shame.

Fun and entertaining - Shark Tale Reviews

Some of these critics are saying that Lenny is gay. I thought he was more like the character of Lou Costello from Abbott and Costello. He's kind, childlike, timid, and unaggressive. Unfortunatly, some bigots mistakenly attribute these characteristics to gay men. After reading all of these reviews, I expected to have my kids ask me about Lenny's sexual orientation. Now that we saw it, there's no way that they would make that leap. I think only homophobics would read into this movie that much. . . The same people who won't let their kids watch Seseame Street because they think Bert and Ernie are a gay couple. It also seems like the negative reviewers dislike the "Urban" aspects of the film - namely ETHNIC. Maybe some white-breads don't want to expose their kids to African and Italian-American people. Their loss. There ARE important messages for kids and adults -parents should love their kids no matter what and, fame and greed are unfulfilling.

Friday, September 28, 2007

What is wrong with you people? - Shark Tale Reviews

I for one really enjoyed this film. And what is the deal with some people saying it has Homosexual propoganda? So what if it does? Children movies are usually out to teach a lesson, and in this film in particular its about acceptance and telling the truth and being true to yourself. And some of you tend to forget that Hollywood is Liberal, and if you dont agree with it, stop seeing the movies! This movie is good for all ages.

Freepizza's review shows he must have issues - Shark Tale Reviews

FreePizza's review stating he thinks the movie supports homosexuality, shows he suffers from homophobia. Let's get real FreePizza. First off just so everyone knows, I'm a happily married man to a great woman. I say this so those homophobics out there don't start drawing conclusions. Anyway, it seems as though FreePizza sees it that if a person is different than others, then he must be gay. Personally I didn't get that impression. I felt Lenny was portrayed as a vegetarian and pasifist. He just doesn't wanna kill anything. That's it. He only dressed like a dolphin so he could hide. It wasn't a preference. Over all I thought it was a decent movie. Not a Nemo movie, but a close second. I thought Oscar's financial advisor was the funniest personally. While watching the movie I continuously heard the kids in the theatre laughing out loud and seemed to enjoy it. Adults might find it a little corny, but hey, wasn't it a kid movie anyway. So in closing I think if you wanna take the kids to a movie, this one would work out just fine. Oh and FreePizza, therapy might be a good thing for you to look into.

Shark tale? not nemo - Shark Tale Reviews

If the creators of shrek can make a donkey talk at the speed of 80km/h then they can also produce a fish that can not only lie and slay a shark, it can also do hip hop! All you need to know is that Shark tale is pure entertainment for both teenager?s adults and kids. It?s a shame, when people start to compare it with finding nemo because they are totally opposite movies. The story is pretty powerful which concerns are societies for example why is Oscar so concerned about fame and fortune and how we fall in wrong hands of love (lola) etc Its so musical that I actually sang a part of ?car wash?, and so many other songs by famous and maybe Ur most favorite singers like Christina Aguilerra etc. As there are good parts I every movie, there are also parts which people find totally offensive. Please don?t be offended by the stereotyping of Italians. It?s a spoof of Robert di niro and his film The Godfather. The story is pretty powerful though. It reflects a concern our society has for agesfor example why is Oscar so concerned about fame and fortune and how he fell in wrong love (lola) etc I loved this movie and so will u

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Movie for kids???? i don't think so!!!! - Shark Tale Reviews

I am so relieved that I went to see this without my children first. I may as well have my kids watch South Park as to have them watch this TRASH! It is so sad that Hollywood has to stoop to these levels. No Thanks PIXAR!!!!

No thanks - Shark Tale Reviews

I've taken my children to a lot of animated movies. This one ranks at the bottom of the list. I didn't care for Lenny, the cartoon version of a homosexual. Come on!!! I know you saw the similiarities, it was just that obvious. I didn't care for too much in this film. Don't get me wrong, there was a couple of chuckles. Maybe I've been spoilt by really good animated films that most of the 'suggestive' humour went over kids heads, but still lots for the kids to enjoy (Shrek, Monsters Inc, Ice Age, etc.). I just don't want Hollywood trying to inflict their 'politically askew' morals onto my children.

Screw you, homophobes - Shark Tale Reviews

I don't care what anyone says, this is a great movie- cute, funny, and awesome animation! I think most of the people condemning it are just closed-minded, intolerant, ignorant, or just reading wayy too into it- it's a CARTOON for God's sake!- kids don't think of Lenny the shark as gay, and personally I didn't see this in any way either. And who cares if someone's gay anyway??? Sheesh, just goes to show how much the ultra-conservative Christians dominating the political agenda today have brainwashed American people. WWJD??? JESUS WOULD ACCEPT AND LOVE PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS, RELIGIONS, AND SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Laugh and learn - Shark Tale Reviews

Not only was Shark Tale A Very Humorous family movie, It had non stop comedy, GREAT Music, and It teaches children (and reminds adults) How important it is to be openminded towards those different than us rather they be a different race, handicapped, a vegetarian, or anything else. Children and adults of anyage can enjoy this movie! In retrospect, Maybe I should have rated it higher.

Homosexual propaganda? what crap! - Shark Tale Reviews

This movie was great! At least to those of us who have a somewhat normal way of thinking. How can you do a review on this movie based on one character only? Who, I never for one minute even thought, "hey, he's gay". Lenny was not even the character who had the most screen time. "Oscar", played by Will Smith, had the audience's attention thoughout most of the movie. Oscar clearly was very heterosexual. However, you never even mention him. One of the main messages of this movies seemed to be not to make up lies about yourself, and to appreciate what you have, and who you have, in your life. It is NOT some gay agenda driven movie. I hope your children get the real message of this movie, and not your narrow minded, warped sense of reality. By the way, I am not gay, and do not in anyway consider myself a liberal. Just someone who's got brain cells.

Great lessons for kids - Shark Tale Reviews

Shark Tale has the underlying messages of: 1) Be yourself, 2) Tell the truth, and 3) Accept others for who they are. And for adults, there is beautiful, vibrant animation; lots of jokes; and the best soundtrack I've heard in a long, long time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fun for the whole family - Shark Tale Reviews

I took my Grandchildren and we all loved the movie. Very clever but geared to the child 8+. Younger kids may not like it as much as most of the humor would be over their heads. Love the mole on the face of Robert DeNiro's shark. Very funny stuff. Go see it on the big screen as it is visually splendid. As a 62 yr old Grand father, I thought it was better than most of the junk released for adults recently.

Subliminal messages? - Shark Tale Reviews

In the scene when they are confronting Lenny's father, it looks as if Lenny were a homosexual and his father needed to accept his son for who he was. It may sound like I'm attacking this movie, but who are we kidding? in what other situation does a family have a conversation like that one? Maybe if you are a very conservative family and your kid happens to be a punk rocker, maybe....other than that, I just don't see it happening. I have my beliefs, and I don't condone homosexuality. I respect you, but I don't condone it. WHEN I talk to my children about these issues should be MY choice because I am their mother. Hollywood producers need to stay out of the parenting arena, because frankly, just look at what happens to the majority of the kids they get their hands on.

I'd rather been bitten by a shark - Shark Tale Reviews

With all these BIG NAMES in the movie i thought it would be a whole lot better. Everytime Oscar (Will Smith) is shown he's telling a joke, a bad joke at that some of his jokes are racist I believe and they really didn't make this movie for the kids it should be rated R. Okay not R but at least pg-13. I had to cover my kids ears on some of thing they were saying. Overall this movie sucks don't go see it wait for it to come on Fox don't even rent this movie. You've have your warning

Monday, September 24, 2007

Can't we all just get along? - Shark Tale Reviews

This movie is cute and funny, and I think it has a great message of tolorating and accepting different viewpoints. Lenny didn't really strike me as a homosexual like some others here, though I can kind of see where that conception might come from. But he was gentle and caring in my eyes (you don't have to have a particular orientation to be sweet) and certainly different from the other sharks. To a carniverous species, disliking meat would certainly be a huge stigma, just as much or more than race and lifestyle in this culture. Even being a vegetarian can carry it's own stigma. I liked the message of understanding, and I don't think that it's a bad thing for children or anyone else to see. If a child is being "indoctrinated" I'd rather the material be of acceptance rather than bigotry or violence. I'm sure everyone has a "Lenny" of some description in their life, and I think this would be a very good movie to go see with that person; and everyone else! Go, have fun, and remember that life is great!

This was not finding nemo!!! - Shark Tale Reviews

I took my four year old nephew to see the movie and he loved it! For all of the people comparing this movie to Finding Nemo...guess what...this is a different movie! I think the people who saw sexual things between the characters Lenny and Oscar were seeing what was in their own mind. This movie was pure and simple. It made people laugh. No violence. No sex. No name-calling or put downs. No terrorists. Just plain, simple fun!

Not for my child - Shark Tale Reviews

I usually bring my son to cartoon movies. Thinking that they are for children. This movie had comments in it that my son later asked what it meant. It was not at all for children under 14. Cartoon movies need to be rated differently so us parents know what is in it. The last two cartoon movies I brought him to were not for his age (9). I am disappointed and will not take him to another unless I review it first. What a complete waste of our time and money.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Not a good movie for racists or homophobes - Shark Tale Reviews

A good movie for everybody else. It is funny and subtle in parts. The voice acting is top notch, and the story has a message about honesty and the value of friends and family. The main character grows, and such growth can teach things to your kids. My children loved it. Racists should stay away (Will Smith voices the main character), and also homophobes (they are likely to interpret some sequences as promoting tolerance of gay people). Overall, I'd say it's a great movie for all except for rabid bigots.

A shark of a good time - Shark Tale Reviews

Although no Finding Nemo, Shark Tale is entertaining enough to stand on its own as a comical achievement. The story this time evolves around the lives of sea creatures that inhabit an urban reef. Simply put, there are many laughs are to be had on the innumerable movie and pop culture references by its all-star cast. This zippy adventure follows the lives of several characters, including a fish named Oscar (Smith) who yearns to become a "somebody" by moving upward on the ladder of society, while his "best friend" (Zellweger) years for Oscar's attention. On the other side of the reef, the shark godfather of the ocean (De Niro) is trying to transform his son (Black) from a vegetarian into a ferocious carnivore. Things go wrong when Oscar must pay back debts to his employer (Scorcese), and when he can't deliver he has an unfortunate run-in with a shark. However, through a complete accident, Oscar escapes with his life and becomes notorized as the "shark slayer" of the reef. Eventually, he teams-up with Black to help solidify his new mantle, as well as to help Black escape from his father. What really is astounding is the enormous list of enjoyable characters. No one's part is overdone, and each character provides their own unique source of humor. Visually, the movie is colorful and jazzy, but lacks the fluid motions from its Nemo counterpart. Still, a great soundtrack adds to the overall flavor of the movie, which is indeed delicious. This movie is a great achievement, and well worth a trip to the Box Office.

Shark tales - Shark Tale Reviews

my family really enjoyed the movie. I thought the animation was good, but the music is to die for! I can't wait to buy the soundtrack. It's not Nemo but it's worth taking the kids to see.

This doesn't add up - Shark Tale Reviews

how is it that pixar has never put out a bad movie, and this one is starring every big name on hollywood blvd., and everyone says its horrible?! That doesn't check out. First of all, stop comparing it to finding nemo: same fish-angle, same studio, same crew, not same movie. Second of all, what's not to like about this movie anyway? Quite possibly the first screwball animated flick, if you don't like that kind of stuff, don't buy a ticket! I loved this movie: charming, funny (i spat out my popcorn numerous times), and fun for everyone. Except of course the reviewers, the up-tight adults, and all you losers with a "got nemo?" bumper sticker.

Cold fish - Shark Tale Reviews

Shark Tale tries waaaaaay too hard, in my opinion. After trailing Finding Nemo's gorgeous visuals and adult/kid humor mix, this movie just can't compare. The story begins very slowly and just when it starts to speed up, you get a lot of flat jokes and over-urbanized fish swimming by to remind you that this movie is too over-the-top as far as blending comtemporary city life with, um, fish. I can't help but compare this movie to Nemo. Nemo because it didn't utilize the natural comedy that the sea can provide. While Nemo used gags like lobsters with New England accents, Shark Tale uses a fully loaded car wash for whales complete with detailing department to provide flames. Better solution? How about custom barnacles? See? I'm not even a movie writer, and I can pull a few natural tricks from the sea. This movie is intended for children, and that will most likely be the only reason it succeeds because parents have to be in tow. My advice? Wait for it on DVD, and drink some caffeine.

No, it isn't nemo!!! so? - Shark Tale Reviews

If you are expecting Finding Nemo, stop it! If you are expecting Shrek, stop it! This is neither! It's fish, but they are not really out to 'find' anything, per se, so again, don't expect Nemo and please don't call it a clone! Same kind of animation, and fish, different story. Diff-er-ent. Yes! Not the same movie! So, that's all cleared up I hope. Moving on: Fun, amusing, and joyful. I love and adore Will Smith (as well as Jack Black and DeNiro of course). And I'm sorry, I know Hammer jokes are probably passe, but Will Smith rapping "can't touch this" makes me crack up every time I think of it! Classic! Anyway, if you can take a joke (you know they poke fun at themselves throughout the whole movie, right? Particularly the quasi-Godfather feel. Much fun-poking to be had by all) anyway, if you can take a joke and are ready to laugh, be wowed by the visuals and all that other goodness, go see this! IF YOU ARE EXPECTING NEMO YOU WILL BE DISAPOINTED so don't expect Nemo. (Yeah, I know, I made that point. I'll stop now) Prepare yourself for wacky fish doing cool and funny things and get to the theater!!! Enjoy.