Friday, October 5, 2007

Fun-ny! - Shark Tale Reviews

This was funny! Filled with satire, homages, and some things that were just cute! I love it! Oh, and stop comparing it to Finding Nemo, people! Movies should be taken for themselves and judged good or bad on that. Anyone saying it's Finding Nemo "urban style" or whatever they're saying has obviously not actually seen the movie. The plot is totally different, as are the characters and, well, everything else except the setting. A lot of times there will be somewhat similar movies coming out from different studios; disaster, bugs, zombies, and what have you. Compared to what I've seen in the past, these two are totally different from each other, the use of a similar setting only a minor "rip-off" (for want of a better word). I mean, like I said, the theme is just completely different. See the movie, then you can judge. I loved it, I thought it was clever, and I think most people would agree.

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