Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cute and endearing - Shark Tale Reviews

This was a cut and very endearing movie and it may just teach kids what kind of trouble a lie can get you into. You shouldn't have to lie to feel like a somebody and in the end Oscar finds this to be true. Definately a movie I want my grandchildren to see!

Homosexual theme - Shark Tale Reviews

If you want to expose your kids to a bad movie, with no laughs and trite overused jokes about the mob, you have to see this movie. It was so good, most of the children in the audience wanted to leave half way through. Guess what, they throw in the story that the shark is "different" from other sharks. And its not the traditional "every child is a little different from each other" theme or "its tough to make new friends" or "sometimes its hard to do the right thing" theme, its the shark is gay and its okay theme. It is not overt, but even the parents behind me mentioned during the movie. If you really need to waste your money, wait to rent the DVD. There was a reason why they advertised so much, all bad movies need alot of advertising.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Fun-ny! - Shark Tale Reviews

This was funny! Filled with satire, homages, and some things that were just cute! I love it! Oh, and stop comparing it to Finding Nemo, people! Movies should be taken for themselves and judged good or bad on that. Anyone saying it's Finding Nemo "urban style" or whatever they're saying has obviously not actually seen the movie. The plot is totally different, as are the characters and, well, everything else except the setting. A lot of times there will be somewhat similar movies coming out from different studios; disaster, bugs, zombies, and what have you. Compared to what I've seen in the past, these two are totally different from each other, the use of a similar setting only a minor "rip-off" (for want of a better word). I mean, like I said, the theme is just completely different. See the movie, then you can judge. I loved it, I thought it was clever, and I think most people would agree.

What a wonderful lesson! - Shark Tale Reviews

I personally found the movie outstanding! The character's personalities and characteristics matched their actors wonderfully. The movie was a great family comedy with a valuable lesson: You don't realize what you've had untill you lose it. It tells you that just because you aren't rich and famouse doesn't mean you are a nobody.

You ppl are stupifd! - Shark Tale Reviews

OMG! You people that have been writing this rubbish - I mean sheesh!! Where do you buffoons live? So I can warn your neighbors LOL - the makers of these movies are trying to cater to everyone - they know parents will have to take their kids to see these movies - so they figure a parent is more likely to go if they are interested in seeing them. It was a little racist - I guess - if that is how you see racism. The "black voices" were very sterotypical-type voices, as were those characters. As far as Lenny being gay - who the hell cares - bout time - bravo - I don't know if he was gay - but so! - I mean their are millions of gay kids in America - what? they can't have role models - you kids straight or gay can only benefit from watching a movie about acceptance. OMMFgoodness!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Awful movie! - Shark Tale Reviews

Shark Tale was one of the worst movies I have ever seen! It starts off slowly and fails to keep your attention. Plus, it is very racist and makes references that the shark (Lenny} is gay. If you are expecting a Finding Nemo it is exactly OPPOSITE of that! By the way, Pixar DID NOT make this film! Dreamworks and Pixar are different companies, and Shark Tale was made by Dreamworks. The visuals were very pretty and amazing, but it didnt matter because the story ruined it all. I thought that with such an all-star cast that this movie would awesome, but its not even mediocre!! Don't waste your money, you'll end up dissapointed and if you have kids they wont be able to sit through it!

Shark tale bites - Shark Tale Reviews

Shark tale was as interesting as watching paint dry. the Animation was great, if they would have stopped there they may have had a hit. The whole "hip hop, urban" or however you want to lable it theme of the movie was just a bad decision. I took my 3 cousins ages 3,5, and 7 and with in the first 30 min they all wanted to leave. A "kids movie" should be able to hold the attention of kids, this movie did not